Angels and Demons


My sister and I did opposites this year for Halloween. I was a demon and she’s an angel. Im Luca the Reluctant and she’s a demon hunter; an angel that specifically goes after demons. It took me 2 weeks to paint that shield and 1 day to paint the sword all for 1 day thing man but its worth it XD and I even sprayed her wings to be a darker blue at the bottom to get that gradient effect.


Good morning everybody and Happy Halloween!


Round 1 FIGHT!


I block that sword of hers 😀


I know this would never happen with Luca being all buddy/close/open/BFF especially with an angel but instead he would rip the wing out of an angel then kill them slowly or quickly depends on the angels skills.


I just love my sister’s pose here XD

Turns out that the cane is messing up my glows I need to fix that :/ and you can’t even see my cravat! I retied that thing 8-9 times to make it look right!

Luca belongs to @yuramec

Hanging Out With A Witch


This years theme for the corn maze is the wizard of oz. there where cut outs of Dorothy, Tin Man, Lion, Scare Crow, Good Witch, and West Witch. i just had to take a picture with the witch of the west 

Ug I forgot to wear my white gloves!


Now Im going to eat her!


Its so funny to see the good witch’s face expression in the back ground because the first picture she looks like she is photo bombing and the second one just says “Good she is being eaten.” 

Luca belongs to @yuramec


Well, this is one of my vague ideas that occurred to me watching Wall-e so I thought of Leopold and Evangeline, playing the role of Wall-e and Eva, without more to say I leave these doodles

hope you like

El Maestro Leopold belongs to yuramec
Evangeline by me
Wall-e belongs to Disney Pixar, and everyone knows that … XD