

and now a little game

Zack has come to see his beloved Itzel at home without permission of Maestro Leopold who is the father of the girl, since Leopold had a dislike with Zack because he does not want to offer marriage to his daughter because Zack considers that both are very young, then Leopold sent one of his spirits to bring Zack, if you saved him from Leopold,  comments …

El Maestro Leopold  belongs to yuramec

Itzel Luna by me

Zack by @askninbyfrits

En Español

y ahora un pequeño juego

zack ha llegado a ver a su amada Itzel  a su casa sin permiso del Maestro Leopold quien es el padre de la muchacha, yaque Leopold tenia un disgusto con Zack porque no le quiere ofrecer matrimonio asu hija devido a que Zack consideraque ambos son muy jovenes, entonces Leopold envio a uno de sus espiritus a traer a Zack, si lo salvastes de Leopold comenta…

El Maestro Leopodl pertenece a yuramec

Itzel Luna by me

Zack by @askninbyfrits

RESUELTO!… despues de 6 intentos :v

salvastes a zack lol XD 

Leopold. haaaa, pero algun dia tendra que volver y entonces ya vera!  – dice molesto 

Itzel Luna: papa dejalo

Leopold:  o se casa, o se casa ese sinverguenza  – dice molesto

color by @askninbyfrits


With the end batim, i imagined that Leopold was Hanry. (From the game) and Eva and others as characters from batim. I don’t think I’m gonna get slipper for this.
Character Leopold belongs @yuramec
Characters Eva Alder and others @eldiariodeunelestial

It’s beautiful thank you for including my ocs too 😀


Eva: rapido hay que esconder tods las cosas que le recuerden a Zack – dice y se meustran todas ls cosas que zack le ha reglado a itzel

Alder tira a aKaronte por la ventana

Eva: proue lo tierastes pro l ventana?,

Alder: porque trae un sueter de demonio y zack es un demonio

Eva: todo bien

Itzel: si

Eva entonces sientate a comer – dice y le sirve la comida aItzel

Itzel ve el pan en la mesa, y rompe en llanto

Leopold: que pasa miha?

EVA: que pasa tesoro

Itzel.  Zack porque, porque me abandonastes

Leopold: deveris estar feliz que ese sinverguenza ya no estam oelstandote

Alder. no no llores seate con esta servilleta

itzel vuelve a llorar

alder: y ahora que?

Itzel: que  servilleta termian con a

Alder. y eso quetien que ver

Itzel: que se llama zack peus

Alder.  y que pasa con eso

Itzel: que yo lo amo….. – dice y se pone a llorar

Leopold: no seas tan cruel

Eva. es tu hermana por Dios

Alder oigamos musica.- dice y poen la radio

radio: y ahora para olvidarnos de neustros problemas vamos con un tema peddo por zack que le dedica a Itzel

alder: mejor no – dice y cambia  la radio

radio: esta desepcionado, entocnes matese

Alder vuvle a cambiar la radio y pone una cancion

radio. Zack se fue , el me quito…..    🎵)

alder desconecta la radio y sigue sonando

kaornte:  tiene pilas idiota…..

radio:  Zack se trata de mi…… 🎵)

itzel. ay, ay , ay

radio: (🎵 zack se fue, zack no esta y no le importa….   🎵)

itzel llora

Alder le tira la radio a kaornte por  la ventana

Alder. ya

Itzel. porque no te valore mas cuando te tenia?, voy a extrañar estar en mi cuarto con contigo

Leopodl: queeee!

Itzel. eh.. digo…. Zack te extraño……

El Maestro Leopold pertenece a yuramec

Evangeline, Alder, Itzel, Karonte by me

Zack by @askninbyfrits

voice by me 


How many kids does leopold and eva have? And what are their names?


Leopold and Eva have 7 children, 4 children and 3 girls

and their names are:

Alder Tornasol Von muller Evanz


Itzel Luna Von muller Evanz


Karonte Leopold Von Muller Evanz


Antonia Annia Von Muller Evanz


Lyra Frauke Von Muller Evanz


Levi Eugen Von Muller Evanz


Etanis Archibald von Muller Evanz



El Maestro Leopold belongs to yuramec
Alder Tornasol, Itzel Luna, Karonte, Antonia Annia, Lyra, Levi and Etanis by me


Bueno, aqui les dejo una imagen de cuando el travieso Karonte el tercer hijo de Leopold y Evangeline era un bebe, ya que ahi estaba furioso porque Leopold no lo dejo jugar con su violín especial.

Bueno, por el momento es todo lo que tengo espero que les guste.

El Maestro Leopold pertenece a @yuramec / @yuramectoo
Evangeline y Karonte  by me


Well, here are these doodles, Leopold and his family doing cosplay of the griffin family, I hope you like it.

El Maestro Leopold and Luca belongs to yuramec
Evangeline, Alder Tornasol, Itzel Luna, Karonte by me



Well this melody was written by Leopold when his first son Alder Tornasol was born, the boy who plays the violin, so Leopold decided that he would play this melody now accompanied by his 3 children, well, Etanis the baby does not have a definite musical instrument but he likes to listen to the melody of his father and brothers. Leopold and his family are now a family music band, well, Leopold worked a lot with all his children giving wonderful results.

good without saying more, I hope you like it

Master Leopold belongs to yuramec
Alder Tornasol, Karonte, Levi and Etanis by me

music: Outdoor Life 1 by tom Elliot 1987-1989.

This drawing was asked as a question that my friend asked me @askninbyfrits

but I also dedicate them to you my other friends, fans of Maestro Leopold








Well, some time ago I saw this image and it gave me a crazy idea that I had saved that until now I could show.

a mischief of Karonte to his father Leopold, for those who do not know, Karonte is the third son of Leopold, he is the one who most resembles Leopold in his personality, besides that he is the naughtiest of children.

Karonte took the magic baton of his father to make a joke that no  good, but  not so bad but if something comic, I hope you like it.

El Maestro Leopold and Luca belong to yuramec
Karonte by me